Monday, March 27, 2006

The Cat’s Daughter

Arvind Sriram Saripalli

Once upon a time, there was a cat’s daughter. The mommy cat didn’t know that her own child could run more than 5,000 miles per hour. That night when mama was sleeping, the daughter ran from Oklahoma to Jackson, Mississippi before 5 hours. She found a nice little trailer with some food, water and a warm blanket. Next morning, the mommy cat was worried. So, she called the town’s most famous super-cat. Then, the super-cat went searching for the baby cat. But he didn’t know that the baby cat already ran back to her home really fast. So when the super-cat was searching he saw the baby cat at home. He was surprised, because the baby cat was already home. But she looked really tired and lazy, because he ran too fast all nigh long. So they slept for two days and two nights without eating anything.

The next day, the baby cat told her mom and the super-cat how she got her powers. She was walking through the forest when she was younger, and she saw a wise, grownup cat who was a saint. The saint said he would give her one wish, because the baby cat was very polite. Then the baby cat wished that she could run very fast, more than 5,000 miles per hour. So the saint gave her that boon. The mommy cat and the super-cat were very interested, so they went looking for the saint cat. He was not there. So, they went to the Himalayas in search of the saint cat. After two months of hard winds and boulders of snow, they finally found the saint. But the saint said, “You cannot have the same wish, because only one cat have a wish from a village.” Then the super-cat said, “Hold on a second! We came all the way from the village to the Himalayas to get the same wish as the baby cat!!! “ Then the saint said, “I am sorry! But you need to go back or get a different wish!” Then the mommy cat wished for a year’s supply of humongous Tuna fish, and she got it. The super-cat wanted a year’s supply of kitty super-food and the saint granted him that. Then they happily went back to their village in America and lived happily ever after.