Sunday, July 22, 2012


                    Sam walked down the sidewalk mindlessly making his way down the empty streets that lead to his house. He was reading an article on a new book called ‘Gone’ that he had found at school earlier the evening. Sam pushed the bridge of his glasses up because they kept sliding down his nose as the summer heat beat down on him. Entering his neighbourhood, he arrived to a part of the article that interested him, ’Releasing on June 12 this year, Michael Grant’s super seller novel……’  ‘Wonder if dad will buy it for me’, he thought to himself, ‘only a couple of days away.’ He shoved the paper into his pocket crumpling in the process as his house quickly arrived.

                   The double floored suburban house with a massive driveway stood out from most houses on Milton Street. On the top floor was his bedroom window through which he gazed wondering if he had turned off his monitor before leaving to school. He climbed the steps of the wooden porch and realised that the morning edition of the Calibre Times had been forgotten by his too busy mother. Grabbing the paper with his left hand simultaneously ringing the doorbell with the other, he read the headlines,’ FIRE IN CITY KILLS NINE. Fire fighters too  late…..’ Sam checked the time on his wrist, it was already 4:50 and his mother should have been home by now. To confirm his suspicion, he rang the bell again, in vain. With his own set of keys, he clumsily unlocked the heavy oak door. As he was about to rest his bag down near the small coffee tables he noticed the Grandfather clock was nowhere to be seen along with the twin coffee tables, the medium sized television set or the big easy chair and two leather sofas.  Instead was an ancient mini TV that looked like it was manufactured since god knew when and a small glass table with two chairs on either side of the table. Perched atop the table was a glass vase with Styrofoam flowers next to which was an unopened envelope.

                 Looking around carefully around the changed room he moved slowly towards it and opened it to find a letter. The letter read,’ Dear Mr Crookes, it has come to my notice that you have not yet….’ ‘Mr Crookes?’, he thought puzzled,’ who in the world was he?’ Utterly confused he yelled a little awkwardly, “Mom……Dad……..Is any one home?’. Silence. He dashed down the hallway that had once had beautifully painted walls but was now a dull grey. He ran up the wooden steps taking them two at a time to his room. Inside he found that his desktop, bed, pile of comics, posters, cupboards and all other things replaced by a large office chair that looked like it belonged to someone in a much higher position than himself. Walls were painted a clean shade of white. Large sterile lights shone down on him like he was on display. Metal shelves half opened, half closed were filled to the brim with paper. It looked more like an office than an average thirteen year old boy’s room. He took a seat in the large leather chair and tried to arrange his thoughts. He was shivering and a few beads of sweat rolled across the side of his face.

                   After a few reassuring calming breaths he realised that he was probably hallucinating. No, that couldn’t be possible. It seemed real enough. He needed a cup of water, but from where? He would probably find in the fridge’s place a statue or something like that. Then it struck him like lightning. A thought so simple that he laughed at his overreaction towards the situation.  He ended up in the wrong house or even the wrong neighbourhood! With the thought fresh in his mind, he ran headlong down the stairs, through the hall and out of the door leaving the house that was actually his alone.

A Story

                   Under the deep blue sky that was breezy and still was a grass field in the midst of all things. Andros gazed down at the field, alone, feeling at peace with himself. The recent turn of events had given him a great deal to think about. Lost in thought, he had forgotten that there was a creature that was silently lurking about. Andros didn’t need to look back to know that it was his faithful companion, a small black dog that followed him around wherever he went. His thoughts were suddenly painted with the memory of his encounter with the dog.

                   Andros was on his errands throughout the village. First, as usual, he visited Johan whom had provided to his family as well as the rest of the village with milk every day in exchange for ten pennies. Next he skipped through the narrow allies that interconnected Quimbasa quietly humming as he arrived at the well. He was meant to collect a bucket of water then return home but there were a group of the elder boys clustered around the well, shouting and laughing. At first he had thought they were bullying some poor unfortunate boy that had got in their way. But as Andros had come a bit closer, he saw that it was not a boy but a jet black hound that they were tormenting. They were beating it, throwing stones, shouting at it and laughing. He being one of the younger children of the village could only stand in a corner and wait for it to be over. As the long moments of torture passed, the boys decided that they had beaten the dog beyond recognition and destroyed most of it and left, sniggering to themselves obviously pleased with their work. Andros quickly ran over to the dog and tended to its wounds and thus their friendship started.

                     But that was a long time ago. Now Andros was bigger and forced to work very hard because of his family’s poor condition which left to him a little free time allotted to gaze and wonder upon the world and its mysteries. The dog was now nuzzling him, clearly in need of his attention. It was now darker, indicating that his time was up. Gathering his thoughts, he flashed back into reality to find that it was chewing in his worn up shoes. Another pair, ruined. ‘No boy! Bad dog, don’t chew them up again! Heel! Heel!’ he shouted. The dog sat straight up and looked back at Andros. Sighing, he replied to the look, ‘Fine then, we’ll get back to work. Shall we?’.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Holi re holi!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Mummy


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pear Pair

Sunday, July 06, 2008


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


It was a dark spooky night during Halloween; I was walking in my costume, when I heard a metal clinking noise. I looked down, it was a sword. “Why would a sword be on the sidewalk”, I said. When I looked up to walk again a skeleton said “ it is time”, picked me up and threw me like a football into the sky, pitch black, I saw nothing …………and this is the story I am telling from my grave.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Mooshy Mushy

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Earth Savers

In response to Book Project from School..

The Earth Savers
By Arvind Saripalli

“Hey! My name is Greentoe and I’m sixteen. You want to have some fun? Well, come on! Here are my friends - Redblimp and Sunstreak. Well? Why don’t you guys speak to our visitor?”

“Okay! Hi! I’m Redblimp Marvin. You can call me Blimpy if you want.” said Redblimp.

“And I’m Sunstreak Springs. And you can call me Jumpy, because I jump a lot! Okay?!”

“Guys!!” said Greentoe. “You took away the secret!”

“Well, who’s Mister Smarty Pants now?” chuckled Redblimp.

“Shhhhh!” exclaimed Greentoe.

* * * * *

It all started on a normal Saturday morning one Spring. “Ahh! The alarm! Its…it isn’t normal! The alarm.” said Greentoe. “Its broken, Mom....! Mom…? Where is Mom?” he whispered. He quickly sprayed himself with some nice green paint and waxed himself. Then he scurried down in his chair, ate some yummy car flakes, and drank a tank full of gasoline.

“Burrrrrrr….p! I wonder what happened! I better go to Redblimp’s house. Um! He..He..!” he whispered. “He is the genius! I better go there at least by tomorrow morning.” SEVEN O’CLOCK?! I better get to school! Oh yeah! There aren’t any adults in the school, in the house…. Or the whole world, I’m guessing! Where could they all have gone?!”

He slowly approached Redblimp’s house. When he reached there, he drove around the house two times, like a wiener dog. (That was the way to get in through the club house.) When he got through the clubhouse and down, there was Redblimp right in front of him. “Waaahh! Huh? You just sacred me! OK…me and Sunstreak went over the conversation and finally got the results from my new High-TechX-492,600 computer!” said Redblimp.

“You really freak me out when you DO THAT!” said Greentoe.

“Sorry!” said Redblimp.

Redblimp showed both of them what had happened. “Guys, we’re in serious trouble. I’ve only collected data and spotted the whole city sidewalks and with my hyper-corn detector, I found some prints. I took lots of pictures of the printing, and put it on my DVD scanner. I figured out that two odd-looking aliens took every parent in the whole world hostage, including humans.” Redblimp continued as Greentoe and Sunstreak listened with lot of excitement, fear and confusion. “I’ve come up with a plan. And the plan is: you see that tube? Inside that tube, there are some magical powder and dust. And if you gobble it up, you will get awesome super-natural powers, and have them for the rest of your lives. We might not know which powers we’ll get, but let us start.”

They got a hold of the powder and dust, pulled the bags out, swallowed the powder and dust into their metallic car tummies, and knew what their powers were right away. They shouted out loud, Redblimp! Element Fire! Next element! Genius!! Sunstreak! Element Water! Second Element – good at throwing boulders! Greentoe! Element – Earth! Second element – extra-smart problem solver! So then Greentoe said “Now we need a plan for how to get to Planet Ucranium, which it said on the computer! OK Are you guys ready?! On the count of 3, we will put our heads together, think, think and think until we get it. OK? Ready…1…2….3..put your heads together!”

* * * * * *
Twenty five minutes later, they got it. They all shouted together – “We got it! We can build a huge techno rocket ship from Redblimp.”

“How are you going to do that?” said Sunstreak, looking at his own auto-body. “Duh!” Said Greentoe. “With my natural earth powers, I can carve out the metal into rocket body and fix the wires.”

“But then where are you going to get the metal from?”

“Duh!” said Redblimp. “I can use my computer to scan for metal and print out real metal wires.” It took them two days of hard and strong work
without any sleep, to get the rocket built. It felt like the neighborhood was breaking down into millions of pieces, because of the rocket sounds.
“Finally! We made it!” they all said. “Lets get in the rocket ship.” Two hours later, they were in the rocket ship. “Ready for engaging Greentoe?”

“Starting the countdown..” said Greentoe.

“Engaging 10 … 9…. 8… 7…..” they all watched with excitement and fear.

At the count of zero, when the rocket launched and blasted off into the sky, they realized they are in space. But they didn’t know where Planet Ucranium was. Then Redblimp said “Hey I’ve got the map of all planets for the DNA scanner of planets. But its not there …..but…wait…I can see a green speck right next to earth, a few thousand miles away.”

“But I can’t see a thing!” said Greentoe.

“Hey look! We’re going into a magnetic field sort of thingy!” said Redblimp. One minute later, they all shouted “Wo…w!”.

* * * * * *

They got sucked into the force-field thingy. They tried to turn back but the wind was to strong they adjusted there eyes and Redblimp said “this must be the place were here! were here! They soon landed. When they got off Greentoe thought it was the opposite of earth, and so did the others. “Gross!” said all of them together. “Okay we need to find those aliens.”

“let me get my mini DNA- scanner”.

“Hey wait! I don’t have my scanner. Maybe I left it in the rocket-ship.”

“Wait here guys, I don’t want going missing!”

“Oh!” said Greentoe, very thoughtful of something. “I got it!” said Redblimp Lets go figure! “Hey wait!” “Oh! Okay! ”said Redblimp. “Let us split up. Each of us gets a walkie-talkie and a mini DNA scanner. Oh wait! Don’t forget your mini-computers too, because you might forget what the life forms are, and you’ll have to check again. At the count of three, we’ll split up!” One…..two…….three…….SPLIT UP!!!”

When they all split up, and go in different directions, this was the conversation…..

“Redblimp? Do you read me? Do you read me!?”

“I hear you all clear and fine, okay here’s the deal: you get Sunstreak and second of all have you met with any matches yet?”

“No. I haven’t! But let me get Sunstreak clearly on the line, and we can continue the conversation!” said Greentoe. Then Greentoe went on the line and went searching for Sunstreak on his walkie-talkie. And he sent a message to Redblimp “No I can’t find him anywhere…!” in a worried voice.

“OK Meet me at the Rocket Ship, and let’s talk about where Sunstreak …. WAIT! I found some matches. Let’s meet at the rocket-ship and I will show the way!” They met at the rocket ship and Redblimp showed their way, heading into the Rocky valley, towards the alien library. It was a tall, narrow building with thousands of shiny windows. But there was one window, very slanted and its doors sticking out five hundred feet into the air.

“That’s an odd window!” said Redblimp.

“Oh, Forget it! Let’s keep looking somewhere else.” Greentoe was impatient indeed. “Hey, we’re really close I think. Let us follow the instructions from the life-form scanner for the alien DNA matches. Right there in that alien looking window. Let’s follow these directions…but…we need to be quick as a feather and quite as a little mouse. Because we don’t want them to hear us.” Cautioned Redblimp.

They carefully stepped their way following the instructions, which led them to the end of the maze, where Sunstreak got caught by the aliens. Then, it was a familiar voice that they heard! It is …. it is their grandfathers who died ten years ago.

“Oh! I get it! It must be our grandfathers who died and ended up here on planet Ucranium for some reason. For dying?” they both exclaimed. But that was too bad. Their voices were heard.

* * * * * *
They got caught. ‘After this we’re really going to die!’ they thought. They were struck with Sunstreak now tightly to a rusty metal chair. They were surrounded by aliens. And two of them came to them and chuckled,

“I am Visorak!”

“And I am Gotham! We’re the Titans, a.k.a. the Monstrous Titans.”

“Are you wondering who kidnapped your parents and your dead grandfather? Hhhhhh….hhhh..hhha! WE took them!”

Greentoe and team were very, very angry, getting steam out of their heads and ears. Watching this and giggling, Visorak continued.

“Moreover, we ARE your dead grandfathers!”

“We knew that Visorak!” Redblimp and Greentoe thundered, and made a silent gesture to Sunstreak. Sunstreak used his fire element to untie their shackles and they jumped on the two mean aliens, suing all their gooey powers, and the elements of fire, earth and water. It took them two of hard fighting to turn those mean aliens, who were their grandfathers, into tiny innocent babies. Then they went to the cave where all the parents were imprisoned, and let them loose. Their parents said “Thanks a lot! How did you get here?”. Greentoe said “Hurry up! There is no time to lose. If we don’t leave six minutes, the rocket ship will blow up the whole Ucrannium and we will be floating in space without oxygen forerver! Come on! Let’s run..FAST!” he yelled.

They ran as fast as they could, carrying the two babies with them. As soon as the last parent got in and shut the door, planet Ucranium blew up into a million pieces, in the elements of fire, earth and water, leaving the other Ucraniuns to their death. The parents inside the cozy rocket ship sipped their drinks and exclaimed “Ah! What nice cups of gasoline again! Let’s hope that tomorrow won’t be a Ucraniun day!” The two babies just kept smiling like angels.

* * * * *

Friday, October 13, 2006

Nuts Over Elephants

Thursday, May 11, 2006


In response to the prompt

I was driving to Seattle in my car. It was very silent, until I heard a noise. At first, I thought it was from a flat tire but, then I realized it was from the trunk. I looked inside and much to my surprize, it was Frankenstein! He was trying to break down the car engine but, when I showed my little dog spotty to him, he ran off somehow. I went back in the car and continued my journey. One hour later I heard the same sound and I looked in the trunk again, FRANKENSTEIN "I...I thought that you were somewhere else. OK. Why are you here?"

I am here because, no where else to live he moaned. So, that day on he lived with me. OK so we went to Seattle, Why? because I have to go to school. We went to Seattle and slept because it was midnight. Next morning, I went to school and guess what? when I came back from school I found my dinner right next to me! Oh! I forgot that he had no where else to live. Years went by and by until I was 17. I heard a noise it was the noise of a lawnmower, nobody heard it except me and my dog. It was was a lawnmower. I went outside and I found a bottle, inside was a note saying-

Dear Louisa:

I found a new place called Monster Island.


I said "Ya! baby!"

Saturday, April 29, 2006

We Are Crackers

In response to the prompt.

"I am a bit of a something that has, a crumb" said Jannie, with her friends Kathy and Jolene. They were playing the guessing game. Kathy was the one who told the "Riddles". Right! said Kathy. Just right after her turn Kathy's mom said sweety! come here please! you forgot to do your home work! Kathy rushed inside and closed the door and she looked through the peephole but before she knew it they were gone.

When she was done with her home-work, she went out to play baseball with her friends, STRIKE ONE! TWO! THREE! your out!, Kathy struck everybody out, she felt like a champ. But on the second game, on the first try the badboy team struck her out. She felt embarrassed and sad, she went back home and slept like a angel.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Egg Hunt

Monday, April 17, 2006

My Home

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Turn Our Home into McDonalds

I got a good idea. It was to make our house into a restaurant, called McDonalds. I got this idea, because my mom has about 100 dollars. So we are making a McDonalds. I will get some cardboard boxes, then I will make that cardboard into a square and paint a big M. We will live in the same house. We have a nice table and chairs so you can sit and eat.

My menu will be cheeseburger, chicken burger and fries at any time but breakfast. Pancakes and waffles are going to be for breakfast. For healthy food, Americans and aliens are invited to have Indian food. For example, carrot curry and tomato curry. We have all the recipes for curry with vegetables. For Americans and Indians who are not vegetarian, we will serve chicken curry.

The garage will be the drive-through. Luda is the accountant and also the drive-through server. Rajesh and Sasi are the managers of the play area. We have building blocks, three batman toys, a whole bucket of toys, and a horse made out of cardboard and by our own hands. Krishi is in charge of clean up for the toys area. Evan will be sitting just next to Luda, watching and doing nothing. You should be at least 4 feet tall or taller. No babies are allowed in the toys area.

Arvind is the manager of cooking and cleaning. (The last rule, which is actually the first rule, is) if somebody makes a mess, Arvind will clean it up. It costs three dollars for a cheeseburger and six dollars for a chicken burger. A happy meal is only one dollar. Fries is 2 dollars. So, people from all around, please come to McDonalds in Kennewick. We are near Sunset View. Our grandparents can come any time they want. But other people need to come only on Saturdays and Sundays, because I need to go to school on week days.


There are two monkeys in my hand
I cannot decide which one is the best
I measured the height
I checked their speed
And surely both were the same.
I went home
Hugged them
And then, I let them go.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Water Front

Friday, March 31, 2006

Sun Glasses

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Cat’s Daughter

Arvind Sriram Saripalli

Once upon a time, there was a cat’s daughter. The mommy cat didn’t know that her own child could run more than 5,000 miles per hour. That night when mama was sleeping, the daughter ran from Oklahoma to Jackson, Mississippi before 5 hours. She found a nice little trailer with some food, water and a warm blanket. Next morning, the mommy cat was worried. So, she called the town’s most famous super-cat. Then, the super-cat went searching for the baby cat. But he didn’t know that the baby cat already ran back to her home really fast. So when the super-cat was searching he saw the baby cat at home. He was surprised, because the baby cat was already home. But she looked really tired and lazy, because he ran too fast all nigh long. So they slept for two days and two nights without eating anything.

The next day, the baby cat told her mom and the super-cat how she got her powers. She was walking through the forest when she was younger, and she saw a wise, grownup cat who was a saint. The saint said he would give her one wish, because the baby cat was very polite. Then the baby cat wished that she could run very fast, more than 5,000 miles per hour. So the saint gave her that boon. The mommy cat and the super-cat were very interested, so they went looking for the saint cat. He was not there. So, they went to the Himalayas in search of the saint cat. After two months of hard winds and boulders of snow, they finally found the saint. But the saint said, “You cannot have the same wish, because only one cat have a wish from a village.” Then the super-cat said, “Hold on a second! We came all the way from the village to the Himalayas to get the same wish as the baby cat!!! “ Then the saint said, “I am sorry! But you need to go back or get a different wish!” Then the mommy cat wished for a year’s supply of humongous Tuna fish, and she got it. The super-cat wanted a year’s supply of kitty super-food and the saint granted him that. Then they happily went back to their village in America and lived happily ever after.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Fruity Day

Be My Ant?

Red Rose

Lovely Birds

Blue Sky

Lots of Flowers!

Flower Post

Blue Bike

Sandy Crab Day

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


There once was a man, he met a monkey
The monkey said, "Are you hungry"?
The man said, " I am hungry"
So the monkey gave him a banana,
so the man said "don't you have anything else to eat"?

Blooming Country

Colorful Country