Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Earth Savers

In response to Book Project from School..

The Earth Savers
By Arvind Saripalli

“Hey! My name is Greentoe and I’m sixteen. You want to have some fun? Well, come on! Here are my friends - Redblimp and Sunstreak. Well? Why don’t you guys speak to our visitor?”

“Okay! Hi! I’m Redblimp Marvin. You can call me Blimpy if you want.” said Redblimp.

“And I’m Sunstreak Springs. And you can call me Jumpy, because I jump a lot! Okay?!”

“Guys!!” said Greentoe. “You took away the secret!”

“Well, who’s Mister Smarty Pants now?” chuckled Redblimp.

“Shhhhh!” exclaimed Greentoe.

* * * * *

It all started on a normal Saturday morning one Spring. “Ahh! The alarm! Its…it isn’t normal! The alarm.” said Greentoe. “Its broken, Mom....! Mom…? Where is Mom?” he whispered. He quickly sprayed himself with some nice green paint and waxed himself. Then he scurried down in his chair, ate some yummy car flakes, and drank a tank full of gasoline.

“Burrrrrrr….p! I wonder what happened! I better go to Redblimp’s house. Um! He..He..!” he whispered. “He is the genius! I better go there at least by tomorrow morning.” SEVEN O’CLOCK?! I better get to school! Oh yeah! There aren’t any adults in the school, in the house…. Or the whole world, I’m guessing! Where could they all have gone?!”

He slowly approached Redblimp’s house. When he reached there, he drove around the house two times, like a wiener dog. (That was the way to get in through the club house.) When he got through the clubhouse and down, there was Redblimp right in front of him. “Waaahh! Huh? You just sacred me! OK…me and Sunstreak went over the conversation and finally got the results from my new High-TechX-492,600 computer!” said Redblimp.

“You really freak me out when you DO THAT!” said Greentoe.

“Sorry!” said Redblimp.

Redblimp showed both of them what had happened. “Guys, we’re in serious trouble. I’ve only collected data and spotted the whole city sidewalks and with my hyper-corn detector, I found some prints. I took lots of pictures of the printing, and put it on my DVD scanner. I figured out that two odd-looking aliens took every parent in the whole world hostage, including humans.” Redblimp continued as Greentoe and Sunstreak listened with lot of excitement, fear and confusion. “I’ve come up with a plan. And the plan is: you see that tube? Inside that tube, there are some magical powder and dust. And if you gobble it up, you will get awesome super-natural powers, and have them for the rest of your lives. We might not know which powers we’ll get, but let us start.”

They got a hold of the powder and dust, pulled the bags out, swallowed the powder and dust into their metallic car tummies, and knew what their powers were right away. They shouted out loud, Redblimp! Element Fire! Next element! Genius!! Sunstreak! Element Water! Second Element – good at throwing boulders! Greentoe! Element – Earth! Second element – extra-smart problem solver! So then Greentoe said “Now we need a plan for how to get to Planet Ucranium, which it said on the computer! OK Are you guys ready?! On the count of 3, we will put our heads together, think, think and think until we get it. OK? Ready…1…2….3..put your heads together!”

* * * * * *
Twenty five minutes later, they got it. They all shouted together – “We got it! We can build a huge techno rocket ship from Redblimp.”

“How are you going to do that?” said Sunstreak, looking at his own auto-body. “Duh!” Said Greentoe. “With my natural earth powers, I can carve out the metal into rocket body and fix the wires.”

“But then where are you going to get the metal from?”

“Duh!” said Redblimp. “I can use my computer to scan for metal and print out real metal wires.” It took them two days of hard and strong work
without any sleep, to get the rocket built. It felt like the neighborhood was breaking down into millions of pieces, because of the rocket sounds.
“Finally! We made it!” they all said. “Lets get in the rocket ship.” Two hours later, they were in the rocket ship. “Ready for engaging Greentoe?”

“Starting the countdown..” said Greentoe.

“Engaging 10 … 9…. 8… 7…..” they all watched with excitement and fear.

At the count of zero, when the rocket launched and blasted off into the sky, they realized they are in space. But they didn’t know where Planet Ucranium was. Then Redblimp said “Hey I’ve got the map of all planets for the DNA scanner of planets. But its not there …..but…wait…I can see a green speck right next to earth, a few thousand miles away.”

“But I can’t see a thing!” said Greentoe.

“Hey look! We’re going into a magnetic field sort of thingy!” said Redblimp. One minute later, they all shouted “Wo…w!”.

* * * * * *

They got sucked into the force-field thingy. They tried to turn back but the wind was to strong they adjusted there eyes and Redblimp said “this must be the place were here! were here! They soon landed. When they got off Greentoe thought it was the opposite of earth, and so did the others. “Gross!” said all of them together. “Okay we need to find those aliens.”

“let me get my mini DNA- scanner”.

“Hey wait! I don’t have my scanner. Maybe I left it in the rocket-ship.”

“Wait here guys, I don’t want going missing!”

“Oh!” said Greentoe, very thoughtful of something. “I got it!” said Redblimp Lets go figure! “Hey wait!” “Oh! Okay! ”said Redblimp. “Let us split up. Each of us gets a walkie-talkie and a mini DNA scanner. Oh wait! Don’t forget your mini-computers too, because you might forget what the life forms are, and you’ll have to check again. At the count of three, we’ll split up!” One…..two…….three…….SPLIT UP!!!”

When they all split up, and go in different directions, this was the conversation…..

“Redblimp? Do you read me? Do you read me!?”

“I hear you all clear and fine, okay here’s the deal: you get Sunstreak and second of all have you met with any matches yet?”

“No. I haven’t! But let me get Sunstreak clearly on the line, and we can continue the conversation!” said Greentoe. Then Greentoe went on the line and went searching for Sunstreak on his walkie-talkie. And he sent a message to Redblimp “No I can’t find him anywhere…!” in a worried voice.

“OK Meet me at the Rocket Ship, and let’s talk about where Sunstreak …. WAIT! I found some matches. Let’s meet at the rocket-ship and I will show the way!” They met at the rocket ship and Redblimp showed their way, heading into the Rocky valley, towards the alien library. It was a tall, narrow building with thousands of shiny windows. But there was one window, very slanted and its doors sticking out five hundred feet into the air.

“That’s an odd window!” said Redblimp.

“Oh, Forget it! Let’s keep looking somewhere else.” Greentoe was impatient indeed. “Hey, we’re really close I think. Let us follow the instructions from the life-form scanner for the alien DNA matches. Right there in that alien looking window. Let’s follow these directions…but…we need to be quick as a feather and quite as a little mouse. Because we don’t want them to hear us.” Cautioned Redblimp.

They carefully stepped their way following the instructions, which led them to the end of the maze, where Sunstreak got caught by the aliens. Then, it was a familiar voice that they heard! It is …. it is their grandfathers who died ten years ago.

“Oh! I get it! It must be our grandfathers who died and ended up here on planet Ucranium for some reason. For dying?” they both exclaimed. But that was too bad. Their voices were heard.

* * * * * *
They got caught. ‘After this we’re really going to die!’ they thought. They were struck with Sunstreak now tightly to a rusty metal chair. They were surrounded by aliens. And two of them came to them and chuckled,

“I am Visorak!”

“And I am Gotham! We’re the Titans, a.k.a. the Monstrous Titans.”

“Are you wondering who kidnapped your parents and your dead grandfather? Hhhhhh….hhhh..hhha! WE took them!”

Greentoe and team were very, very angry, getting steam out of their heads and ears. Watching this and giggling, Visorak continued.

“Moreover, we ARE your dead grandfathers!”

“We knew that Visorak!” Redblimp and Greentoe thundered, and made a silent gesture to Sunstreak. Sunstreak used his fire element to untie their shackles and they jumped on the two mean aliens, suing all their gooey powers, and the elements of fire, earth and water. It took them two of hard fighting to turn those mean aliens, who were their grandfathers, into tiny innocent babies. Then they went to the cave where all the parents were imprisoned, and let them loose. Their parents said “Thanks a lot! How did you get here?”. Greentoe said “Hurry up! There is no time to lose. If we don’t leave six minutes, the rocket ship will blow up the whole Ucrannium and we will be floating in space without oxygen forerver! Come on! Let’s run..FAST!” he yelled.

They ran as fast as they could, carrying the two babies with them. As soon as the last parent got in and shut the door, planet Ucranium blew up into a million pieces, in the elements of fire, earth and water, leaving the other Ucraniuns to their death. The parents inside the cozy rocket ship sipped their drinks and exclaimed “Ah! What nice cups of gasoline again! Let’s hope that tomorrow won’t be a Ucraniun day!” The two babies just kept smiling like angels.

* * * * *

Friday, October 13, 2006

Nuts Over Elephants